Friday, November 30, 2007

I did it!

The last Strand Galaxy in the Sydney Opera House

Whew - I made it! A whole month of blogging.
I don't think I'll be doing this on a regular basis though it did bring a bit of discipline to this erratic weblog.

30 days of revelations about my work, the garden, my knitting and various excursions and historical memorabilia.

I hope for some it was interesting, entertaining and even educational.

On the eve of World Aids day I would like to dedicate this last post of November 2007 to the late Ron Nelson - workmate, Comrade, past president of the Australian Theatrical and Entertainment Union and friend from a time when we were all passionate and dedicated to the cause of Workers Rights.

I would also like to welcome into the world Inigo George Nettle, the beautiful son of Lara and Mark - may he bring them happiness , joy and the odd sleepless night.


mehitabel said...

You did really well, and it was fun to read your posts, even though I didn't always leave you a comment. I missed a few days during the month, but then I was doing it as a personal exercise and not for prizes!
And new babies are always wonderful...

chocolatetrudi said...

It was, indeed, interesting, entertaining and educational. Your job sounds fascinating, and I loved the gardening posts. The posts were a nice size too. Hope you aren't all worn out by blogging daily and stop!