Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sandpit Drama

Back in the Studio and here is the set for Gilgamesh - a box full of sand. All the action takes place here, three actors and a heap of toys/props and some dramatic lighting.

The set up was quick - as it should have been with a 15 lamp rig! The performance itself is a a quirky little piece aimed at an older audience despite the matchbox cars and action figures. The bits of the Tech run I saw were entertaining and amusing.

There has been no knitting done today as it's been one of those do-everything, be-everywhere days. Marquees to derig, Drama shows to operate, Concert Halls to check, pager continually going off. I must have walked for miles up those pink-grey Tarana granite steps and my feet are killing me.
Time to head home up the mountains.

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