The daily juggle of Shift work, commuting, and school hours goes on, each with its ups and downs but the birds and the bush and the early morning mists smooths these transitions.
At the entrance to our local village shopping centre is this fine example of the Cabbage Tree. A slightly different species to the one in my backyard but still one of my favourite plants.
When we bought our little weatherboard cottage here years ago one of the first things I did (much to my partner's amusement) was to plant one of these outside the front door. It's a reminder of the unique landscape of New Zealand and as iconic an image as the silver fern.
But I've never known why they're called 'cabbage trees'... You know that they have almsot died out in some parts of NZ due to a virus? Certainly they've become rare in the lower half of the Nth Island.
More info here
Sorry - that link doesn't work, even though that is to the right page. Try googling ["cabbage tree" zealand]. It does sort of explain why they're called 'cabbage trees' as well.
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