Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Another Scarf

This is the "other" scarf that I started for ISE5 - it's nearly finished and even though I haven't got a recipient for it I will complete it. The Mohair Goat yarn is wonderfully soft and comes all the way from Halifax Nova Scotia. It will make someone a nice Christmas present.

The scarf is in the Studio and it's the quiet before the Bump-in tommorrow morning. The set for Gilgamesh is a 7.3m x 2.4 m pit of the finest brown dirt, all 6000 kg of it.

"A high energy and brutal adaptation which combines hip hop, toys, matchbox cars and professional wrestling to deal with themes of masculinity, power, love and loss."

I hope the scarf can cope.


Shirley Goodwin said...

I'm sure The Scarf will cope! Sounds like quite an event.

amanda j said...

Goodness me! Sounds interesting.